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Thank you for visiting my author website. I have wanted to publish a children’s book since writing my first one in my early teens. As a mother I know the importance of talking to children early and often. Sometimes it’s amazing what they say in response. Give it a try with some of the questions from my book – When I Grow Up, I Will Shine.

Casey Bruning

When I Grow Up, I Will Shine by Casey Bruning
This engaging, uplifting and positive book, When I Grow Up, I Will Shine, explores a young girl thinking about who she is as a person and who she wants to be when she grows up. There are a series of statements followed by reflective questions designed to be thought-provoking and entice a response, especially the last one. A range of personal characteristics and behaviours are covered, including being kind, caring for the Earth and continuing to learn.
When I Grow Up, I Will Shine by Casey Bruning

Now Available


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